that is the Earl of Bedforsham, a friend of the king.
Thinking you have encountered two enemies of the King,
you quickly leave the Pig and Whistle without talking to
any one. You travel on through the night, a risky
undertaking at the best of times. Knowing that many rich
people would be passing on this road to the tourney, a
band of brigands has set themselves up in a dense thicket
to see whom they might snare. While they are overjoyed to
meet up with such an unwary traveler as yourself in the
middle of the night their welcome is less than friendly. If you had recognized the Earl of Bedforsham he
could have warned you about these robbers and maybe even
provided you with an escort. Having failed to identify
his shield you are now tied up and left by the side of
the road, with nothing but your underclothes. You will
have to beg for food as you walk your way home, a journey
of several days on foot. You don't hurry as you feel that
your welcome from your father may make the brigands seem
like friends.